Thermal power: 2078 MW
Electrical power: 620 MW
Basic production units:
A heat bank with the capacity of 30,400 thousand m3 of mains water is installed in the CHP Plant - the first object of this size in Poland. The plant features modern installations: wet flue gas desulfurization installation and flue gas denitrification installation. All coal-fired boilers are equipped with high-efficiency electrostatic precipitators, which keep dust emission at approx. 50 percent of the limit imposed by the Polish standards of air protection.
Soon, the list of devices in operation will be expanded with the K1 boiler - 100 percent biomass-fired.
100 percent of furnace waste is managed.
Siekierki CHP Plant can heat about 55 percent of the buildings in Warsaw and power more than 10 million light bulbs with the total capacity of 60 MW.
Due to the use of light fuel oil and heavy fuel oil, qualified for the group of substances, according to the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council 2012/18/EU on the control of major accident hazards involving dangerous substances and the Regulation of the Minister of Economy, as above, dated 15 February 2014, Siekierki CHP Plant, located in Warsaw at ul. Augustówka 30, operating as part of the enterprise PGNiG TERMIKA SA with its registered office in Warsaw at ul. Modlińska 15, was included in the group of plants with an increased risk of major industrial accident ZZR. The maximum amount of on-site fuel oils exceed the threshold of 2500 tons.
The plant was submitted to the Commander of the State Fire Service, along with the accidents prevention programme.
The Plant’s installations were subjected to a thorough analysis of the risks associated with the transport, storage and use of fuel oil and other substances, as required by the Act of 27 April 2001, the Environmental Protection Law (Dz. U. 2001 No. 62, item 627, as amended), in Title IV “Serious failures”, the analysis and documentation confirmed that the plant had been designed, constructed and is operated in a way that prevents industrial accidents and limits their consequences for people, property and the environment. Modernization activities are under way, related to the change of fuel, i.e. from heavy fuel oil to light fuel oil, as the latter is more environmentally friendly